Commentary by cpressey on Agile Development works ================================================= ### Agile Systems Engineering Not sure just how agile this could possibly be, but giving it the benefit of the doubt. ### A typology of organisational cultures . ### The Scrum Framework at a Glance (jpg) . ### Agile Principles: What does it mean sustainable development? - Project Management Stack Exchange . ### In Scrum, do we really let people self-organize around their work? - Project Management Stack Exchange . ### scrum - The contradictions between agile approach and the growth of individual team member - Project Management Stack Exchange . ### Flow (psychology) - Wikipedia . ### Flow – Treemagineers Blog . ### What is the ongoing value of the Kanban board to the developers as opposed to management - Project Management Stack Exchange . ### scrum - Why do all the teams that I have worked with always finish a sprint without completion of all the stories? - Project Management Stack Exchange . ### scrum - Which is better large feature branches or merging frequently? Which is better small work items vs large work items? - Project Management Stack Exchange . ### What Is the Kanban System? . ### Kanban Classes of Service: Examples & Tips . ### STATIK (Systems Thinking Approach to Introduce Kanban) | by H. Javier Castillo S. | Medium .